Saturday, April 18, 2015

Eggs, fish and Popcorn

As the weeks past these three items still remain. It was ok when it was one day and then a few days past without one of them but now there is one in every day of my week and I am feeling stuck. My weight is steady and my anger is high. I also don't feel as clean and inflammation free. 

Goodbye eggs, I love you but you gotta go. I gotta cut out all animal protein. It's just gotta happen. Popcorn you can stay a while. Fish your no more than once a week. That should settle things 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Simple eating and living

Simple is becoming satisfying. It's all about a good dressing and meals are golden. When I don't feel like cooking or preparing food I eat fruit. My boys watched me eat 5 oranges and smiled. I used to eat junk when I didn't feel like cooking. Now I eat the best food. My body is slowly changing. The bloating is passing. It's key to stay super high raw for me. 95 percent. It just feels better but it's ok if I still play with that. The eight is coming off and I feel ready to start exercising. 

Today I drove an hour to maple syrup country with my family to get a pancake breakfast, go for a drive and see the maple farm. I brought berries and tasted the syrup. It was a treat. I didn't want anything else. I was happy to just take in the experience. Food wasn't the reason I was there, it was to witness the miracle of tree sap. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Butternut squash soup

There is an amazing recipe I love from the Art of Raw Living by Doreen Virtue and Jenny Rose, healing soup for the insides. It's butternut squash soup. Finding great recipes and declared that I will make time to prepare my food, it's a big bold step and I am loving it. 

Last weekend I found myself faced with that same issue going out to eat! Of course I ate things I shouldn't have by accident. I ate only Vegtables but no doubt there was butter but I am still unsure. I felt an immediate reaction and three days later with this soup I feel better than ever and back on track. 

100th note to self, this really isn't worth it call ahead to restaurants! ( cudos  to self for bringing olives in your purse)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Watermelon and I are best friends



A whole meal

An amazing smoothie

I love you Watermelon

It's always been true love

You have been my favorite since childhood.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

5 weeks High Raw- Unveiling the Truth

   Taking the plunge and deciding to eat a plant based diet has never been better.  Living the way I have for the last 6 years (SAD diet) has really been a blessing, and luckily I didn't receive a major disease that was life threatening. I hit rock bottom with inflammation and a cough that lasted 3 months. I took control of my own health and now I feel alive and invigorated five weeks into a high raw and all plant based diet. I feel like I have finally faced my major food issues and taken control. I don't miss a single food, because I don't miss how I used to feel. I miss certain flavors but not the way  the SAD diet foods made me feel. I am about 90% raw and 100% most days. I am still in transition and taking it slow. This time around, I want to transform my lifestyle instead of diet.

    Yesterday I had a moment where I felt I was finally through the first phase of transition. I ate 2 grapefruits and 5 oranges for lunch. Satisfied. My fellow colleagues watched me with jaws dropped. This is not a show, this is me gaining control of my health.  "What a weird way to eat, are you crazy?" This is not a question I have not heard before, it's this time, I don't care. I am not crazy, though, just different. We all need different things to sustain ourselves and stay well. For me, it's a plant based diet. No matter what I do, it always comes right back to that conclusion.

     Last time I was raw, about 6 years ago, I was young, stupid and had no idea what I was doing. I ate a high fat diet and little fruit. About 9 months into raw 6 years ago, I began to discover fruit based dieting. I left the diet at about 11 months or a year. It is crazy I did this. I had come so far. But I hadn't faced myself and what diet meant to me. I hadn't faced going out to eat and being alone on this diet. Now I could care less. Sure, it's nice to have friends who eat a high plant based diet, but I would rather be alone and happy then with folks eating out and fat with pain.

    So, my first mono meal went well and I am off into the land of high fruit as I go through the second phase of transition.

      I should also mention I have not given up cooked vegetables, baked sweet potatoes or fish at this time. I don't eat them often, but it's my 'go to' as I transition and I find that it allows me to go out to eat with my family and fiancĂ©e. It just makes sense to go slowly and allow myself to do this if I need to instead of going 100% uncooked overnight! Silly to do that. This is a much better option. Life is good. I feel in control and I finally feel I can do this safely and with success. This blog was started about a year ago and my goal was to be raw. I stopped blogging when I went back to a cooked food (SAD) diet, only I kept a mostly vegetarian diet gluten free. Honestly, it seemed like I had lost my way, in fact, I had just truly started. With the knowledge I gained from jumping in about a year ago, I relized a plant based diet was for me. Going through the "elimination diet" really proved to me that it wasn't just gluten, or just dairy, or just meat, that caused my issues, it was all of them and that was meaningful for me to experience. I got to really see the effects of each food on my own body and it confirmed for me I was correct all along. A plant based diet was for me. So I took a year to make baby steps toward raw.

    In that year I found peace with this diet, and I found out I didn't have to be 100% to be 100% well. I just needed to be high raw most of the time. I also faced my issues with eating out, and with my family. I learned to cook and found the strength to learn to prepare healthy foods both cooked and raw. I learned to make dressing! It was a happy day!

    This is the beginning, but it's been a year of slow changes that has lead up to this transition and I am proud that I took a whole year to get here. I only wish I would have blogged through my challenge months. I suppose I was afraid to write about facing the emotional parts of eating.  But coming out on the other side, I am so glad that I kept as much of a journal of my journey back to a plant based diet. I know my body now and I understanding my mind. I am not afraid to fail. I won't ever zig zag back to a SAD diet. I have been gluten free a year, dairy free two months, and I have been moving toward this for months. I can't go back, I have changed from within.  I suppose I will have to explain this to others. I will have to explain why it's different this time around. It's different because I am ready to be healthy. This is something people don't realize. You can't just want to be thin, want to feel a little better and then go back to eating a SAD diet. You have to want to be healthy and believe you are worth that. This is the emotional part of this diet that some people have to face and it's what I had to face. FACED, onto the BLISS.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's been a year and I am back to it

I stopped blogging when things didn't go as planned. My one year raw turned into a almost there to raw and OVER.  I learned a lot about each food I stopped eating on it's on and I really saw changes. I didn't, however, make it to getting rid of meat. Gaining weight seemed inevitable. Turns out meat is a big part of my weight issue, or so it seems in my latest experiment.

Flash forward gaining another 10 1bs back and another new 10 lbs on- heading full forwarding into back to normal. Lots of dairy and meat. I went gluten free 9 months ago. That has stuck- mostly because I just can't go back to eating gluten. I get so sick. But lots of meat and dairy and grains ruled my world.

I got sick 3 months ago with a very strong illness- just a cough that wouldn't go away, with a fever.  It has sucked. It came and went for the last 3 months and 3 doses of antibiotics later- I am done. About a week ago I became a vegetarian. Vegan I guess- No dairy, Only Gluten Free grains, No meat. Low and behold, down 5 lbs. The happiness I feel is overwhelming.

For me it wasn't being fat that did it this time, it was losing my beauty and feeling like I could cause my own sickness and might not be able to undo it. My motivation is truly to get my health back- something I took for granted, and to get my figure back. I want to live again and be happy. Cheers to the possibilities of a happy life. It's not what I don't get to eat, it's how I get to feel while I really live.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Changing perspective

Today I woke up. I wasn't hungry until noon. I drank three glasses of water before then. I cleaned the house with my boys got dressed and sat down hungry to eat a whole melon. I asked Siri "how many calories is in a cantaloupe?" She replied 187. I said , "shoot." That's so little!" Well
that's a switch. I am trying to find calories now. That's the way it should be! I realize it is calorie intake that caused some of my weight gain. However it was eating foods that caused inflammation that added to my weight. Before I couldn't read my bodies cues! I was in inflammation hell eating from addiction. My digestion is on fire now! My health is improving. Today my son said to me, " mom I know you might miss ice cream and stuff but your really nice when you eat fruit. " from the mouths of babes!